Save time and resources and use Redmine, the ultimate project management software, to manage your projects!
Track Issues, use workflows, inspect code commits, share knowledge and informations and track user activities.
Take advantage of our turnkey and managed by us project management software.
You can use unlimited repositories with our hosted Subversion servers. Likewise, there is no limit on the number of users or traffic.
In addition to SSL encryption, our SVN Cloud also offers further security measures, so that your data is completely safe with us.
Try us and you'll see, it's never been easier to speed up and secure your software development with Subversion.
SuiteCRM is a free, flexible, and fully customizable CRM designed to streamline sales, marketing, and customer support.
With full data control, and seamless scalability, it’s the perfect choice for businesses seeking cost-effective and powerful customer relationship management.
Simply working carefree with our ready to use and secure SaaS Hosting solutions.
Besides the usual encrypted Hosting backups to external systems, the data are also secure against
view of stranger because every Hosting runs in a separate container.
We undertake to comply with your data according to the European data protection law, "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR for short).
Our SaaS hosting saves time and money, because you have not to buy expensive hardware and install software with regularly maintenance.
Maximum flexibility and cost efficiency - Choose to your requirements and budget
matching duration and pay easily via PayPal or bank transfer.
We offer our hosting with various terms and provide a comfortable short notice of only
30 days to end of term. Without notice, the term will be automatically renewed.
We operate all our systems exclusively in German data centers.
Of course this applies equally to our backup storage for continuous backup of customer data.
The backups are encrypted and distributed to our backup server. Also all of these backup systems are available exclusively in German data centers.
So all your data is safe and protected because we are subject and comply with the strict European and German data protection laws.
All of our products you can try for free and without obligation to pay.
If you wish to use the product after the trial, you need to do nothing. The trial is automatically converted to a regular hosting product.
Not convinced with our Application Hosting?
Are you still not convinced, you can always cancel the trial in the customer center and all your data will be deleted.
We know that on-premises application deployment, like Redmine for example on your own local server, is very popular for different reasons.
And that's why we are able to install any of our hosted applications, also on your local server.
Just get in contact with us to talk about details for the setup. Also the maintenance for your on-premises applications is possible with us.
Changing the sender of emails under Redmine is easy. But there are a few things to keep in mind so that e-mails do not end up in the spam folder.
Just send an email and Redmine will turn it into a ticket?
Or update a ticket via email, change the status and assign it to someone?
Yes, it's very easy with us.
The first part and the second part of this HowTo, shows how fail2ban can IP addresses of attacks to be stored in a central database.